




360 security guards is the strongest function, the best effect, the most popular Internet users by security software necessary. Not only permanent free, exclusive offers a number of famous antivirus software free version. Due to the convenient use, the user good reputation, at present the 300 million Internet users in China, the preferred installation of 360 has been more than 250 million.

360 security guards have a Trojan killing, malicious software cleaning, holes, computer repair patch general physical examination and other functions. At present the threat of Trojan has far beyond the big virus, 360 security guards use cloud security technology, kill Trojan, the security, protection of the net silver and games, the account password security, prevent computer become shows good chicken, known as the "prevent Trojan first choice". 360 security guards themselves very light, but also has the boot speed up, rubbish and so on many kinds of system optimization function, can accelerate the computer operation speed, containing 360 software can also help users steward easy to download, upgrade and powerful uninstall all kinds of application software.

Killing fast

Cloud killing engine, intelligent acceleration technology, 10 times faster than the antivirus software;

Small memory footprint

Cancel the feature database upgrade memory footprint is only 1/5 of the similar software;

Killing ability

And 5000 servers seamless connection, real-time update, the kill all kinds of Trojan;

Killing more accurate

Using a new Trojan evaluation technology, more accurately identify and the fight against Trojan, virus;

Detect unknown Trojan

Security experts of research of Trojan characteristics identification technology, improve detect unknown Trojan ability;

Threat perception technology

Special threat perception technology, can effectively solve the Trojan horse around traditional scanning engine violations of the system



防止 *** 盗号有什么好 *** ?


*** 木马盗号,一般都是在你的程序中植入木马





上 *** 时,密码打乱顺序,比如你的是123456789


在 *** 号码前加0





每次登录用 *** 医生先检查一下。这样一般密码就不会被盗了。祝你好运!

  • 评论列表:
  •  辞眸辄乜
     发布于 2022-07-13 09:08:44  回复该评论
  • 上的熟悉的朋友,关键时刻可以帮忙找回密码。防止QQ盗号有什么好方法?不能,用小键盘输入密码现在在网上银行比较普遍QQ木马盗号,一般都是在你的程序中植入木马密码设复杂点用英文,大小写,数字,特殊符号之中的三种以上组合密保设置一个详细的密保,就算不小心被盗,也能找回来。上QQ时,密码
  •  晴枙羁拥
     发布于 2022-07-13 09:07:38  回复该评论
  • on, at present the 300 million Internet users in China, the preferred installation of 360 has been more than 250 mill
  •  美咩榆西
     发布于 2022-07-13 13:33:15  回复该评论
  • ction, can accelerate the computer operation speed, containing 360 software can a
  •  澄萌末屿
     发布于 2022-07-13 14:59:10  回复该评论
  • y, 10 times faster than the antivirus software; Small memory footprint Cancel the feature database upgrade memory footprint is only
  •  囤梦绮筵
     发布于 2022-07-13 15:48:07  回复该评论
  • ownload, upgrade and powerful uninstall all kinds of application software. Killing fast Cloud killing engi


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